Page speed: Why you should care about it?
We are always in a hurry to somewhere. The same goes for the online stores. People don’t have time to wait for the slow page loading times. They want to see the products right away and if they can’t they will just leave and most probably never return.
So, what exactly is page speed?
The page load time will influence your customer’s buying behaviour. If your online store is too slow they’ll leave from the site. It’s easy as that. That’s why you have to make sure your page speed is remarkable and your store is on a trusted ecommerce platform like Shoperb. Shoperb page load times is less than a second.
But why some of the online stores are getting slow time to time? Let’s look at these reasons little more closely.
1. Ineffectual code
If your site is on open source platform, make sure you have an expert working on your code. The more structured it is, the faster it will load. Good quality code won’t have to hassle through redundancy symbols. If your choice is a fully equipped ecommerce platform, this will be taken care of the experts. For instance, with Shoperb you don’t have to worry about these kind of details, good quality code and page load time has been taken care of.
2. Cumbersome files
The bigger the file size, the slower it will make your online store. Make sure no tot use the image size larger than needed.
3. Lots of file requests
The more you have heavy elements, the longer your page will load. It will enlarge enormously when you have a lot of users at the same time browsing in your online store. For example, you have 20 file calls and you have 100 people at your site at the same time, it will make 2000 file calls at the exact moment and this will absolutely affect your page load time. Make sure you have an ecommerce platform or developer who has already considered all of this little but important details.
4. Lots of plugins
If you have a plugin on your open source platform, it still has its loading necessity. So plugins will also increase your file calls. Be sure to check if you really need all of these plugins what you have installed. With Shoperb you don’t need to worry about any plugins or updates.
5. Redirects
Remember that when you add a redirect link to your site, it will make your page load twice. Too many redirects will be rather problematic than useful.
So your webpage loading time is affected by several aspects. It means you can have remarkable SEO but if your page speed is sluggish, it’s definitely aimless. This isn’t something you could take into consider when you choose your ecommerce platform.
We recommend you to use GTmetrix to get an overview of your technical loading aspects. Page load time according to GTMetrics should be under 5 seconds and Google score over 66. Optimizing your page speed will bring you more traffic because customers spend more time on fast loading pages. However, Shoperb has taken care of it already, thus no need to worry about your customer’s leaving from your online store.